You have now completed the markup process and configured the connections between QuarkXPress and the database. The final part of the process is to see PriceIt in action, updating the prices in the document.
The document can be updated as many times as you require to accomodate price changes, currency changes, version changes, zone changes etc.
Updating your publication is easy once the one-off process of marking up and configuring connections is complete. In fact it only requires on command from the PriceIt menu.
1. Select Update from Database from the PriceIt menu
The database update dialogue will appear.
2. Choose Select Database
3. Double-click or Open the PriceIt Demo Data.txt.LNK.DB data file
You are now promted to select the Update Now button.
4. Click the Update Now button
PriceIt now searches the QuarkXPress document comparing prices on the page with the prices in the database. Once it has done this you are prompted to Update, Update without further confirmation or to Skip. For this Demo you will select Update without further confirmation.
5. Select Update without further confirmation
Your page will now have been updated to reflect the latest prices in your database and should now look as follow
This concludes this PriceIt demo but now you know the concepts, please feel free to explore further, design your own QuarkXPress documents and update them from the LinkDB file supplied and discover for yourself the power of PriceIt.
Further Demos of other types of publication will be available soon from the MC Research Web Site